
Detail number and product



Item number

Handle Nordic - quantity csmp557162 Chrome GB4165022901
Headwork New Nautic csmp557162 Lead-free, 180° GB41650292001
Thermostat cartridge csmp557162 GB41638334 01
Handle Nordic - temperature csmp557162 Chrome GB4165023101
Nipple New Nautic csmp557162 G 1/2 GB4165020401
Check valve dw 14 GB41634719 01
Nipple New Nautic csmp557162 For shower set GB4165020601
Check valve with filter csmp557162 GB41632698 02
Gasket New Nautic csmp557162 GB41650355
Filter for non-return valve csmp557162 2pcs/Pakedge GB41635633 02
Filter for non-return valve csmp557162 10 pcs/packedge GB41635633 10
Areator csmp557162 24x1 "D "Caché-CC-STDM GB41638542 01
Pull switch csmp557162 GB41636822 01
Areator csmp557162 M28x1, chrome GB41634555 01
Pull diverter csmp557162 GB41636577 01
Areator 24x1 csmp557162 M24x1 B GB41630131 01
Swivel spout 85 mm csmp557162 Straight, possible to lock position GB41650279
Swivel spout 150 mm csmp557162 Straight, possible to lock position GB41650282
Swivel spout 250 mm csmp557162 Straight, possible to lock position GB41650285
Swivel spout 350 mm csmp557162 Straight GB41650288
Details for swiwel limitation csmp557162 For kitchen and wall mixers GB41633972
Time Valve csmp557162 1/2 ”-1/2” GB41639716
Shelf csmp557162 Click shelf for c-c 150 and 160 mixers GB41650052
Shelf, Matt black csmp557162 Click shelf for c-c 150 and 160 mixers GB4165005253
Diverter New Nautic csmp557162 Standard GB4165021301