Vannisegisti New Nautic – termostaat

Vannisegisti New Nautic – termostaat

  • Alias number: |  
  • Tootenumber: GB41202323 |  
  • EAN number: 7391530081205
Pööratav jooksutoru, dušiühendus alla, 160 c-c
  • Safe Touch reduces the heat on the front of the mixer
  • Maintains even water temperature during pressure and temperature changes
  • Combines nicely with our various shower sets
Smart_inside Safe_touch Even_temperature


Paigaldus ja hooldus

Enne paigaldamist tuleb torude loputamiseks lasta veel joosta. Segisti on ühendatud paremalt külmaveetoruga ja vasakult kuumaveetoruga. Veesurve: max 1000 kPa, min 50 kPa. Kuuma vee temperatuur: max 80 °C, min 45 °C. Me ei vastuta valest paigaldusest tuleneva kahju eest.

Joonis Paigaldusjuhendid
Muu info
Sügavus - 110 mm
Kõrgus - 150 mm
Laius - 285 mm
Max. tap capacity (at 300 kPa): 0,322 l/s
Pressure loss with flow (0,33 l/s) 316 kPa
  • Built-in automatic hot water block for scald protection
  • Block button on the temperature side at comfort temperature 38°C
  • Adjustable max temperature for increased scald protection
  • Safe Touch reduces the heat on the front of the mixer
  • Block button on flow side at comfort flow
  • Responds quickly to changes in pressure and temperature, maintaining even water temperature
  • Ceramic shut-off for drip protection and long life, also simplifies use for small and weak hands
  • Type-approved non-return valves in the inlet
  • Backflow protection in accordance with SS-EN 1717 [EB]
  • Can be functionally adapted with grip-friendly knobs
  • Combines nicely with our various shower sets